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Lengieng's Blog

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Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Event. Show all posts

WORLD IPv6 LAUNCH | 06.06.2012

Today it's the kick-off date for World IPv6 Launch Day where many major ISPs, home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world are coming together to join the cause. We've heard about IPv6 for years while it's being standardized. It's not just the beginning anymore; the standard documents are huge, the major OS are native IPv6-enabled, the networking equipment is IPv6-capable, the major companies around the globe are enabling it, universities all around the world are having their own IPv6 experiments, thousands of paper about IPv6 research have been published every year, so on and so forth.

The 56th Anniversary of Cambodia Independence Day

November 9, 1953 is the Independence Day for Cambodia from France by former King Norodom Sihanouk. Since then, Cambodia annually celebrated its anniversary. Today, it's the 56th anniversary that Cambodia celebrates its Independence Day.

As usual, the celebration takes place at the Independence Monument located in Phnom Penh. This year, it's the same for the place but a bit different for the schedule from that of the past years because a part of the celebration is done on the 8th, one day before the Independence Day, from 3PM onward while the remaining is done on the 9th. According to the authority, this is done so that it will be easier for the King because each year it seemed to be very busy for the King to celebrate every part of the celebration all at once on one day.

The photo of King Norodom Sihamoni is taken from http://www.daylife.com