Lengieng's Blog

Lengieng's Blog

A Sporadic Diary...

Wonderful BBQ

Office war (សង្គ្រាមនៅការិយាល័យ)

50th Anniversary of the Baby computer

Today (June 21, 2008) is the 50th Anniversary of Manchester Baby computer. It was designed and built at the University of Manchester as The Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM).
Information taken from www.computer50.org

Sea Dragon (សេះសមុទ្រ)

A male weedy sea dragon carries eggs on his tail at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, Thursday, June 11, 2008. For only the third time ever in a U.S. aquarium, one of the endangered creatures is pregnant. The aquarium's sea dragon has about 70 fertilized eggs which look like small red grapes — attached to his tail. He is expected to give birth in early to mid-July, said Kerry Gladish, a biologist at the aquarium.

Sea dragons, sea horses and pipe fish are the only species where the male carries the eggs, Gladish said. Sea dragon pregnancies are rare because researchers don't know what gets them in the mood to mate.

Photos taken from YAHOO! News

Variety is the taste of life

Experiencing with Microsoft Windows Vista is another taste although I have found some bugs such as Codec issue, etc. However, for those of you who may be interested in exploring the Vista can either absorb the knowledge of how to use Vista from or posting as well as solving the problems at http://www.vistax64.com