Lengieng's Blog

Lengieng's Blog

A Sporadic Diary...

If I could (El Condor Pasa) sung by Julie Felix

According to a wikipedia page, "If I could" sung by Julie Felix is the cover version of the original "El Cóndor Pasa" written by Peruvian composer Daniel Alomía Robles in 1913 based on traditional Andean Folk Tunes.

It's one of my favorite songs.
Here is the lyric:
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would

Today (17 Mar 2010), it's snowing (0 - 2 degree C) again.

We study! Our garbage are Coffee Cup & Paper Case.

GOOD TO THE LAST DROP (It costs 500 Won)

Teleconferencing, live streaming from Thailand

^_^ 불고기 볶음 (It costs 2,500 Won) ^_^

On the way to study the Korean language

Sometimes I eat this! Sorry, I forgot the name.