Lengieng's Blog

Lengieng's Blog

A Sporadic Diary...

The Einstein Fellowship

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual." (Albert Einstein)
Awards: A project fellowship in a different field of your specialty.
Deadline: Received by May 20, 2011 (Application for 2012)
How to submit applications: Mail or Email
Location: Germany
The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation are offering a fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their previous research. The purpose of the fellowship is to support those who, in addition to producing extraordinary work in their area of specialization, are also open to other, interdisciplinary approaches – following the example set by Albert Einstein.

MS/PhD scholarship program for Information and Nanotechnology

Awards: Master and PhD programs.
Application: May 11 ~ 17, 2011 at http://www.uway.com/
Interview: May 28, 2011 (Subject to be rescheduled)
Result Announcement: June 10, 2011 (www.dongguk.edu)
NITA at DGU is training professional individuals in the field of Information and Nanotechnology.
This course is managed along with Millimeter-wave Innovation Technology center (MINT) and division of electronics and electrical engineering at DGU, and it provides lots of chances of joining experiments and research project preparing the students for successful engineering careers for the future project management and leadership. 

Xiamen University Scholarship 2011

Awards: Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, and PhD Degree
Application Period: February 15, 2011 to May 15, 2011
Location: Fujian, China
Online Application is here
The University offers scholarships for excellent applicants The recipients will have their tuition fees covered, up to a maximum of 3 years for a PhD, 2 -3 years for a Master degree and 4-5 years for a Bachelor degree. The recipients' academic performance will be assessed each year and only those achieving the required standard will have their scholarship renewed for the following year.