Lengieng's Blog

Lengieng's Blog

A Sporadic Diary...

WORLD IPv6 LAUNCH | 06.06.2012

Today it's the kick-off date for World IPv6 Launch Day where many major ISPs, home networking equipment manufacturers, and web companies around the world are coming together to join the cause. We've heard about IPv6 for years while it's being standardized. It's not just the beginning anymore; the standard documents are huge, the major OS are native IPv6-enabled, the networking equipment is IPv6-capable, the major companies around the globe are enabling it, universities all around the world are having their own IPv6 experiments, thousands of paper about IPv6 research have been published every year, so on and so forth.
According to the Internet Society, those major companies are coming together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services by 6 June 2012. What a huge success! This is forever future. It's inevitable, for we all know that IPv4 is really inefficient for today's Internet.


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